XXIII Ilves-3

Lindora, Estonia 30.04.-02.05.2010


Welcome to the traditional 3-day individual o-event in Lindora, Southern Estonia. All orienteering-friends, from top athletes to amateurs are warmly welcome – there is a wide variety of courses in different lengths and levels.



Friday, April 30 16:00 Shortened classic distance
Saturday, May 1 11:00 Classic distance
Sunday, May 2 11:00 Classic distance

Terrain and maps

Primeval valley of river Piusa and it’s small tributary. Height differences on river banks up to 60 m. Typical spur-gully landforms formed by gully erosion. A part of the terrain is a flat plateau on top of the valley banks. Mostly coniferous forest (pine). Quite dense network of tracks and paths. Runnability from good to very good. Almost no marshes. 90% forested. Mapper Madis Oras. Previous maps no.2004048 (Tammeveski-Kapera) 2005035(Lindora), some new mappsed areas added.

Contour interval 5m.


Scale 1:15 000 on 1st and on 2nd day for groups MN18, 20, 21A, 21E, 35 and M40; on 3rd day MN18, 20, 21A, 21E, 35, 40 and M16A; for other groups 1:10 000. Marked courses map scale is 1: 7500.


MN 8, 10, 12, 14

30 EEK / day

MN 16, 18, 20

60 EEK / day

MN 60, 65, 70, M75

70 EEK / day

MN 21, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55

100 EEK / day

1EUR = 15.65EEK


Deadline for online (https://www.osport.ee) registration accompanied by bank transfer is April 23, 2010. Entry fee must be paid to: Swedbank, Liivalaia 8, Tallinn 1540, account name: ILVES ORIENTEERUMISKLUBI, IBAN: EE302200001120086880, SWIFT: HABA EE2X.
An additional 10 EUR must be added to cover bank charges.

Punching system

Electronic punching system SPORTident is used in all classes; all SI-cards are accepted (inc. SI-8 and SI-9). Rent of SI-card: 25 EEK per day (5 EUR/ 3 days). In case of losing rented SI-card, the compensation charge is 450 EEK (30 EUR). 

Classes and preliminary course lengths (km)
  Day 1 Day 2 Day 3   Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
N21E 5,5 7,5 7 M8NR 1,5 1,5 1,5
M21E 7,5 12,5 10 M10NR 1,5 1,5 1,5
N8NR 1,5 1,5 1,5 M12A 2 2,5 2
N10NR 1,5 1,5 1,5 M12B 2 2 2
N12A 1,5 2 2 M14A 3 4,5 4
N12B 1,5 1,5 1,5 M14B 2,5 3,5 3
N14A 2,5 3 2,5 M16A 5 6,5 5,5
N14B 2 2,5 2 M16B 4 5 4,5
N16 3,5 4 3,5 M18 6 9 7,5
N18 4 6 5 M20 6,5 9,5 7,5
N20 4,5 6 5,5 M21A 6,5 9 8
N21A 4,5 5,5 5 M21B 4 6,5 5,5
N21B 3 4 3,5 M35 6,5 10 8,5
N35 4,5 5,5 5 M40 5,5 8 7
N40 4 5 4,5 M45 4,5 7,5 6,5
N45 3,5 4,5 4 M50 4 6 5
N50 3,5 4 3,5 M55 4 5,5 5
N55 3 3,5 3 M60 4 5 4,5
N60 3 3,5 3 M65 3,5 4,5 4
N65 3 3,5 3 M70 3 4 3,5
N70 2,5 3 2,5 M75 3 4 3,5


OC – open score course without pre-registration. N – women, M - men; NR – marked distance. If there are only 1-3 competitors registered in some classes then the classes may be merged.

Distances to Start

  Start 1 Start 2 Start 3
Day 1 900m 900m 650m
Day 2 1300m 13000m 100m
Day 3 2000m 2000m 1000m

Rules for the competition

The SPORTident electronic punching system will be used.



Pre-start time is 2 minutes on each day. Runners will start from next to map.

Control are printed to the front side of the maps.

Start interval is 2 minutes. At the start signal the competitors may cross the start line, take the map and begin their course via the start control.

Late start. Competitors who arrive late to the start have to ask help from the start official. Starting later is possible until the last competitor will start.

Control time: 1st day – 2 hours, 2nd and 3rd day – 2 hours and 30 minutes.


Punching at the controls

Punching at the controls, by placing the SI-card into the hole on top of the control unit, the competitor will get a confirming visible and/or audible signal from the electronic control unit confirming the registration. The competitor is responsible for punching at the correct control. If the punch did not register the competitor must use the manual punch in the R-boxes on the map, R1, R2, R3 or into the edge of the map on lack of the reserve boxes. A lost SI-card will result in disqualification.



The finish time will be taken through a punch at the finish line. After the finish punch the competitor continues through the finish chute to another punch unit, where the information from the SI-card will be read out. Competitors, who have used manual punching, must inform the finish officials after emptying their SI-card. The hired SI-cards must be returned to a finish official as soon as they have been emptied on the last competition day. Result list with split-times will be given to competitors in finish area.

When a hired SI-card will lose, it costs 450 EEK.


Buffet will be with several menus at the event centre.

Child care: There is a kindergarten at the event centre.

Clothing return: Extra clothing left at the start will be taken to the competition centre by the organizers.

Competition office is open at 1st day 14-18.00, 2nd and 3rd day 1 hour before starts.

Distribution of maps: Competition maps will be given out each day after the last runner has started.

Mini-course will be performed in competition centre every day. st day between 16.00-18.00.; 2nd day between 11.00-14.00; 3rd day between 11.00-14.00. Black-and-white scheme-map will be used; the controls are on the marked distance. Distances are 500-1000 m long. The course is meant for children up to ten years old. Some help on the distance is allowed. The results of the mini race will be available on the next day, the result of day 3 will be available only on the homepage of OC Ilves.

Number bibs will be available at the event centre.

Open courses are every day from Start 2. SPORTident electronic punching and timing system will be used. Entry fee 50 EEK has to be paid at the competition office. The results of the open distances will be available on the next day; the result of day 3 will be available only on the homepage of OC Ilves.

Open courses start is at Start 2 and open on 1st day 16.00-17.30, on 2nd and 3rd day 11.00-13.00.

Parking fee 15 EEK/day/car

Prizes will be awarded according to 3 days total result. Number of prizes in each class depends on the number of participants in the class.

Results: Each competitor can take a result list with split times, leaving finish area. Provisional results will be displayed in the event centre during the competition. The official results will be displayed on the results board in the event centre at the next day, on 3rd day these will be displayed at the end of competition. Official results are available also in the event homepage http://www.okilves.ee/ilves3 at the end of each day.

Retrials: People who retire must go through the finish or inform the finish officials.

Shower with warm water isat the event centre.

Toilets are in event centre and on the way to starts on 2nd and 3rd day.

Driving directions: Event centre is located in Jõeveere tourist-farm (Lindora village, Vastseliina parish) in Võru county. Closest town to the event centre is Võru. Route to the event centre is marked from Lindora crossroad on Võru-Obinitsa road (it is after passing Tabina village).

Accommodation options:Floor accommodation Uuno Ruus, phone nr +372 50 84 264, e-mail Uuno.Ruus@mail.ee, breakfast and dinner in the same place should be ordered by April 27. Other accommodation options Mati Ojandu matiojandu@hot.ee, phone nr +372 50 33 447; www.visitestonia.com


Event director: Lembit Vassil

Course master: 1st and 2nd day - Sven Oras; 3rd day Elo Saue

Course adviser: Madis Oras

Secretary: Meelike Pandis

Web: http://www.okilves.ee/ilves3, e-mail: ilves3@okilves.ee