XXIX Ilves-3
Time: 29th April – 1st of May 2016
Place: Kirikuküla, Otepää vald, Valgamaa
April 29th Short distance Starts begin 16.00
April 30th Long distance Starts begin 11.00
May 1st Shortened long distance Starts begin 11.00
Prize giving around 14.00
Terrain information:
Kirikuküla: The competition takes place in the Otepää Uplands near the Elva river headwaters. Height difference on the terrain is 45 meters. The terrain is rather varied. The kame field consists of depressions, hills and small swamps in between them next to a swampterrain with dry-land protrusions. There is a dense network of roads and narrow rides altough nature is starting to reclaim the smaller tracks. Runnability in the forest varies from very good to medium.
Map: Kirikuküla 2015002. Author Kalle Kalm. Contour interval 2,5 meters. Fieldwork in autumn 2014. Previous map: Kirikuküla 0108.
Päidlapalu: Terrain is varying from high slopes to smallest contours. Height difference is 65m, being up to 45m on one slope. Runnability in the forest varies from good to poor. Lots of different sizes of swamps, where runnability varies.
Map: Päidlapalu 2013016. Fieldwork and author Avo Veermäe, Madis Oras 2012; renewal april 2016.
Water level in the swamps/marshes and ditches is moderate and is in accordance with the map, based on the information in mid-April.
Individual starts all days. Pre-start is 2 minutes. 2 minutes before the starting times the SI-card number is checked. 1 minute before the start the competitor moves next to his map. After the starting signal the competitor can take his/her map. A marked route leads to the starting point. Passing through the starting point is mandatory. In starts 1 and 2 control descriptions are provided pre-start. Clothes used during warm-up are returned to the finishing area.
Open Course:
The open course begins in start 2. It is possible to start until 1,5h past the starting times. Registration for the open courses is at the secretariat.
Map size is A4 every day. The map is in a plastic bag, but the plastic bag is opened from one side (so if wanted you can remove the plastic bag).
Map scale:
Day 1: 1:10 000
Day 2 and 3: MW16,18,20,21E,21A,35,40 1:15 000, all the other classes 1:10 000
In classes MW8-10NR (marked course) the scale is 1:7500 every day.
Distances to start:
Day 1: Start1 1 km Start2 1,1 km Start3 0,25 km
Day 2: Start1 1,8 km Start2 1,5 km Start3 0,6 km
Day 3: Start1 0,8 km Start2 0,8 km Start3 0,4 km
Compulsory routes and restricted areas:
Restricted areas (protected areas, cultivated fields, prohibited animal paddocks) are marked by purple vertical hatching (symbol 709.0 – restricted area), but it is not marked on the terrain. It is also not allowed to enter to private areas, which is marked by moss-green colour on the map (symbol 527.0 – private area). It is considered while planning the courses that the logical route choice will stay away from the restricted areas.
Compulsory routes that are marked on the terrain and marked in the control description (like the route from start to the point where orienteering begins, compulsory route in the middle of the course, the routhe from last CP to finish) are parts of the courses and are obligatory to follow from the beginning till the end!
The ones not following the rules will be disqualified!
Refreshment points on the course:
Day 1 – no refreshment points
Day 2 and 3 – depending on the course lengths there might be up to 2 refreshment points, one in the spectator point.
There is water in the refreshment points.
Spectator CPs and for cheering:
Complusory routes are in the event center and are published before the start begins.
Courses with spectator CP:
Day 1: all the classes, except MW8-10 and MW12
Day 2: MW21E, M21A
Day 3: all the classes, except MW8-10 and O3 (open course 3km)
Organisers suggest you to take a look on the spectator CP and compulsory route before start. The competitors who do not follow the compulsory route will be disqualified!
The competition ends for a competitor when he/she makes a punch in the finishing SI-station. Competitors who used needle punching for controls that weren’t working need to show the needle marks to the organisers in the finishing area. Rented SI cards need to be returned after finishing on the third day. All competitor recieve a paper with their individual times. Maps are collected until the end of the starts and are then returned.
Registration is open on the website osport.ee until 24.04.2016
Participation fees:
WM 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 3 EUR / day
WM 60, 65, 70, 75, M80 5 EUR / day
WM 21, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55 9 EUR / day
Open course (without pre-registration) 5 EUR / day
Punching system:
SPORTIdent (SI) punching system is used in all classes. A SI-card can be rented for 1 EURO per day. If the rented SI-card is lost, a compensation fee of 30 EUROs has to be paid.
There is a kindergarten at the competition centre.
Near the kindergarten there is a minicourse for children younger than 10 years.
Parking fee is 1€/day
Day 1 and 2 there is no showers in the event center!
Prizes are given to the best of each class. The number of prizes depends on the number of competitor in the given class.
There is outside cafeteria in the event center.
The competition is organised by orienteering club Ilves
Event director: Margus Sarap, margus.sarap@gmail.com
Chief secretary: Hannula-Katrin Pandis
Chief course setter: Minija Pääslane
IT: Tarmo Klaar