Welcome to the traditional 3-day individual o-event in Haanja, in one of the best terrains in Southern Estonia. This terrain was used in EOC 2006 for the middle distance. The competition centre is in Haanja ski stadium during all competition days.
Date |
Location |
Start |
4-05-2007 |
Haanja |
16:00 |
Shortened Classic distance |
5-05-2007 |
Haanja |
11:00 |
Classic distance |
6-05-2007 |
Haanja |
10:00 |
Classic distance |
Class |
Entry fee (26.04.2007) |
Winning time |
D8NR |
30kr/1p=90kr |
15, 15, 15 min |
D10NR |
30kr/1p=90kr |
15, 15, 15 min |
D12A |
30kr/1p=90kr |
15, 20, 20 min |
D12B TR |
30kr/1p=90kr |
15, 15, 15 min |
D14A |
30kr/1p=90kr |
20, 30, 25 min |
D14B |
30kr/1p=90kr |
15, 25, 20 min |
D16A |
60kr/1p=180kr |
30, 40, 35 min |
D16B |
60kr/1p=180kr |
25, 35, 30 min |
D18 |
60kr/1p=180kr |
35, 45, 40 min |
D20 |
60kr/1p=180kr |
35, 45, 40 min |
D21A |
100kr/1p=300kr |
40, 50, 45 min |
D21AS |
100kr/1p=300kr |
30, 40, 35 min |
D21B |
100kr/1p=300kr |
30, 40, 35 min |
D21E |
100kr/1p=300kr |
40, 65, 50 min |
D35 |
100kr/1p=300kr |
40, 50, 45 min |
D40 |
100kr/1p=300kr |
35, 45, 40 min |
D45 |
100kr/1p=300kr |
35, 40, 35 min |
D50 |
100kr/1p=300kr |
35, 40, 35 min |
D55 |
100kr/1p=300kr |
35, 40, 35 min |
D60 |
70kr/1p=210kr |
35, 40, 35 min |
D65 |
70kr/1p=210kr |
35, 40, 35 min |
D70 |
70kr/1p=210kr |
35, 40, 35 min |
H8NR |
30kr/1p=90kr |
15, 15, 15 min |
H10NR |
30kr/1p=90kr |
15, 15, 15 min |
H12A |
30kr/1p=90kr |
20, 25, 20 min |
H12B TR |
30kr/1p=90kr |
15, 15, 15 min |
H14A |
30kr/1p=90kr |
25, 35, 35 min |
H14B |
30kr/1p=90kr |
20, 30, 25 min |
H16A |
60kr/1p=180kr |
35, 45, 40 min |
H16B |
60kr/1p=180kr |
30, 40, 35 min |
H18 |
60kr/1p=180kr |
40, 55, 50 min |
H20 |
60kr/1p=180kr |
40, 55, 50 min |
H21A |
100k/1p=300kr |
45, 65, 55 min |
H21AS |
100kr/1p=300kr |
35, 55, 45 min |
H21B |
100kr/1p=300kr |
35, 55, 45 min |
H21E |
100kr/1p=300kr |
50, 90, 60 min |
H35 |
100kr/1p=300kr |
45, 65, 55 min |
H40 |
100kr/1p=300kr |
40, 60, 50 min |
H45 |
100kr/1p=300kr |
35, 55, 50 min |
H50 |
100kr/1p=300kr |
35, 50, 45 min |
H55 |
100kr/1p=300kr |
35, 45, 40 min |
H60 |
70kr/1p=210kr |
35, 45, 40 min |
H65 |
70kr/1p=210kr |
35, 45, 40 min |
H70 |
70kr/1p=210kr |
35, 45, 40 min |
H75 |
70kr/1p=210kr |
35, 45, 40 min |
O3 |
70kr/1p=210kr |
3km |
O5 |
70kr/1p=210kr |
5km |
O7 |
70kr/1p=210kr |
7km |
O - Open course. Every day three courses: ca
3 km, 5 km and 7 km (without pre-registration).
NR - marked distance, line through the controls
TR - marked distance, line around the controls
AS - short distance (A Short)
Registration deadline is April 26, 2007. Some additional places will be left in the beginning of the start list, which will be filled on a first come, first served basis.
Deadline for online registration via
internet (www.okilves.ee/ilves3) accompanied by bank transfer is April 26,
2007. Deadline for competitors who needs Visa is April 2, 2007.
OK Ilves bank account: No. 1120086880 Estonian Hansabank SWIFT HABA
Rent of SI-card: 5 EUR/ 3 days
Mapped in spring 2006. The scales are 1:10
000 and 1:15 000, interval for altitude lines is 5 m.
Previous maps: 2006008, 2006009, 9502.
The terrain varies from moderately to very hilly with height differences in the range of 30-50 meters. The forest is characterized by a considerable number of small lakes and marshes and by a rather dense network of forest roads, tracks and small paths. The eastern part of the forest is mainly deciduous forest with minimal logging and areas of self-sown forest. In this part of the terrain the runnability is good in general. The central and western parts of the forest are characterised by mixed forest vegetation (coniferous and deciduous) and slower runnability due to undergrowth and in some areas due to windfall. Visibility in the forest varies considerably. In logged areas and marshes the undergrowth is dense. Some areas of the forest are allocated to grazing cattle, runnability in these open areas is good.
Competition centre is located in the Haanja Ski stadium. Distance to the starts is approximately 1,5-2,5 km from the competition centre.
The second day of Ilves-3, May 05, 2007 is a WRE for the classes HD21E.
Prizeswill be awarded according to 3
days total result. Number of prizes in each class depends on the number of
participants in the class.
Pre-start time is 2 minutes every day.
Controls are printed on the front side of the maps. After the start
signal, the competitors may cross the start line, take the map and begin the
course via the start control.
Control time. The first competition day - 100 minutes, the second day -
180 minutes, the third day - 120 minutes
Punching at the controls, by placing the SI-card into the hole on top of
the control unit, the competitor will get a confirming visible and/or audible
signal from the electronic control unit confirming the registration. The
competitor is responsible for punching at the correct control. If the punch did
not register the competitor must use the manual punch in the R-boxes on the
map, R1, R2, R3 or into the edge of the map on lack of the reserve boxes. A
lost SI-card will result in disqualification.
Finish. The
finish time will be taken through a punch at the finish line. After the finish
punch the competitor continues through the finish chute to another punch unit,
where the information from the SI-card will be read out. Competitors, who have
used manual punching, must inform the finish officials after emptying their
SI-card. The hired SI-cards must be returned to a finish official as soon as
they have been emptied on the last competition day. Result list with
split-times will be given to competitors in finish area.
Retiral. People who retire must go through the finish or inform the
finish officials.
Distribution of maps. Competition maps will be given out each day after
the last runner has started.
Mini-course will be performed in competition centre every day.
Start: 1st day between 16.00- 19.00.; 2nd day between 11.00-14.00; 3rd day between
10.00-13.00. Black-and-white scheme-map will be used; the controls are on the
marked distance. Distances are 500-1000 m long. The course is meant for
children up to ten years old. Some help on the distance is allowed. The results
of the mini race will be available on the next day, the result of day 3 will be
available only on the homepage of OC Ilves.
Number bibs will be available at the start.
Open distances of 3, 5 or 7 km are every day from Start 2. SPORTident
electronic punching and timing system will be used. Entry fee 70 EEK has to be
paid at the competition office. The results of the open distances will be
available on the next day, the result of day 3 will be available only on the
homepage of OC Ilves.
Clothing return. Extra clothing left at the start will be taken to the
competition centre by the organizers.
Child care. There is a kindergarten at the event centre.
Buffet will be with several menus at the event centre.
Parking is in the Haanja Ski stadium car park. Parking fee 15EEK/day
Various accommodation options: www.visitestonia.com
Hotel „Kubija” www.kubija.ee ,tel. +372 78 66 000
Kuningatalu in Võru: www.kuningatalu.ee, tel. +372 52 89 100
Guest house „Hermes” in Võru, tel.78 21 326
Guest house in Rõuge, +37278 59 198
Participants with visa can order accommodation and catering from the organisers. The cost of the accommodation is 280 EEK (18 EUR) per person per day, catering is 40 EEK for breakfast, 50 EEK for lunch and 30EEK for dinner. Ordering accommodation and catering available till April 2, 2007 (last day of payment).
OK Ilves
e-mail: ok.ilves@mail.ee
homepage : http://www.okilves.ee